Social Events


Opening Day Saturday 13th April at 2.30pm. First Club Night Monday 15th April at 6pm. Coaching/Rollup starting 2pm Friday 19th April

Laurel Canyon and Rob Edden will be playing for us on Saturday 19th October 7pm £8 per ticket. Tickets for this event will sell very quickly.

Racenight date TBC.

Other events will follow

Club Evening and Coaching Day.

Club evening is held every Monday from 6pm, at a cost of £1.50 this includes tea or coffee.

Club coaching day is held every Friday afternoon from 2pm-4pm, at a cost of £2.00 this includes coaching and use of equipment plus tea or coffee after.

Everyone is welcome to the coaching day, it does not matter if you have never tried it and would like to (please wear flat shoes) or even if you would just like to watch you are welcome as are existing members.

All equipment available, qualified coaches on hand.


Green currently closed for Winter will re-open Saturday 13th April 2024

for further information please contact the secretary